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Civil Constructions

Engineering & Architectural Services

moder design of a house

In order to reach out to more people with our quality products. We have easy payment schemes. In order to improve the quality of life of the people of our country, we introduced a variety of easy payment schemes to our clients. This is available in different forms for the convenience of our clients as well their budget. These facilities are made available just for you where incase if it is to be done on your own it is to be done on your expense of quality time and money.

Payment details

  • We can start your projects without any advance payment according to our rules and regulations.
  • There are 4 different ways in which you can make the payments.
  • Full payment at once - (this way you will be entitled for 5 % discount on the value of the house)
  • First make 25% down payment of the total value(to start work)- balance within 3 stages of 35%, 20% 20% {house will be completed with 4-6 months}
  • Make 25% down payment (to start work)- balance we can arrange a bank loan for you
  • Make 25% down payment (to start work) - balance pay in 36 equal installments


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